this is my 94 ls waht u think


New Member
"it is time to un-pimps the auto" VW comerical


a.k.a. crabs!
you gained points for the color and the mirrors... but lost points with the fenders wing wheels and guages.

not my taste but who cares what we say. its your car... your project. do what ya like


y5 =( for now=b
i think you just need to do what you do....i mean my cousin has a low 11 sec srt4 complete with fat racing strips, evo8 spoiler and....get this.....multicolor neon underglow kit. i mean if anyone else has a problem with your style.....tell them to just pass you8)


New Member
am got plans for it so is cool.. u guys could diss i still dont care cause their is people wit worst than that so is cool...