The other asshole
Things that annoy me: kids

Things that annoy me: kids
I get this A LOT on my way to work. Or when you are in the 2nd lane from the left doing a steady pace of 75/80 and you approach a car doing 5 under or the speed limit exactly and there is no one in the "slow" lane but they dont want to move. I think the stupidity comes from all the incest that goes on here in the south in which i do not participate :lol:Another thing is on my way to work every morning at 3am. I will be cruising on a 4 lane highway in the 2nd lane from left(far left is for passing only despite what people think). I am going at a decent pace of 80 and coming up on a car, but he is in the lane to the right of me so no big deal. Then when I get closer this mother f***er will turn on blinker and get in my lane... why? What posses these idiots to do this. Nobody is in front of them. It makes no sense. High functioning retards....
Thats another thing that I hate. How on the HIGHWAY the speed limit is fucking 55!Must be... and everyone does a constant 75mph in the left lane when the limit is 55mph. :lol:
I do that purposely.... Usually when I'm already going over the limit and the person behind me is coming up like I'm barely moving. I'll match the speed of the person in the next lane so the guy behind can't pass :mrgreen:I hate it when people drive on the left lane so slowly and there's another car next to them in the right side going to same speed. Soo annoying. If you can't pass them, don't go to the left lane!!
so you THAT asshole' ? :lol:I do that purposely.... Usually when I'm already going over the limit and the person behind me is coming up like I'm barely moving. I'll match the speed of the person in the next lane so the guy behind can't pass :mrgreen:
:rolf: :rolf: :rolf: :rolf: that is awesome!Sure am. I had a lady almost hit me while I was turning one time. So in retaliation, I sped up, got in front of her, slowed down to about 15mph (on a 45mph road), every time she would try to change lanes and repeat :rolf:
Don't f*** with me on the road and we'll be good :lol:
So....basically you are a high functioning retard. Why not just move over for faster traffic. Let them get a ticket, but doing what you do is dangerous. More dangerous than them going 5 to 10 mph faster than you. It isn't your job to regulate their speed.I do that purposely.... Usually when I'm already going over the limit and the person behind me is coming up like I'm barely moving. I'll match the speed of the person in the next lane so the guy behind can't pass :mrgreen:
:thumbup:So....basically you are a high functioning retard. Why not just move over for faster traffic. Let them get a ticket, but doing what you do is dangerous. More dangerous than them going 5 to 10 mph faster than you. It isn't your job to regulate their speed.
factwhere he lives there's probably only 2 lanes and he's in the right lane, i do the same s***, some days when i'm in the right mood i'll be going 60 in the slow lane when the speed limit is 55, never gets any higher... Then some hick in a pickup will come flying up on my bumper and refuse to just switch over and pass so i'll slow down to about 50 and make the f***er wait, see, the cops won't pull your ass over if you're in a pickup or a grandma car but the second i go 10-15 over i'm getting pulled over so f*** that, i see it being different in a 4 lane but out here people get run off the road and killed every day because someone had to get to mcdonalds before everyone else.
Do you talk to everyone like you're their nagging mother, or is it just on here?So....basically you are a high functioning retard. Why not just move over for faster traffic. Let them get a ticket, but doing what you do is dangerous. More dangerous than them going 5 to 10 mph faster than you. It isn't your job to regulate their speed.