Theskygun's dc build


New Member
i wish i had one, i think im going to shave a bit more off the projector because on the side it sticks out just enough to not let it sit a bit more down


Active Member
So far so good Tony. Are your OEM lens spray tinted over the high beam? Or is it regular tint?


Boredest Member
I just remembered about where mine is mounted. Youre almost twice as far out from the bracket as i am so yours will stock forward from the bezel. Wont do anything negative for lighting. Its just aesthetics.


New Member
Thanks lowered
Haha I'll make a drive up to see if I did it right, I didn't touch spacing at all, made those spacers for nothing.
My covers dont affect it that bad either, would have taken a picture of the finished job but I forgot and about to shower. Also, no more black tint, the turn signals are amber again.


Boredest Member
I could never decide at each spot whether the ground was really level or not to the wall so i just used my best judgement. I probably adjusted at 7 different spots all together including some on the fly adjustments.