The Person Below Me


(╯°□°)╯ ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
Fucking true. Health benefits and free food, still getting over $25k a year.. And Christmas bonus.. and a yearly raise?! and im only 19!

TPBM likes cookies. chocolate chips to be exact. And super soft to be precise


simple is better.
haha so fucking true, now i want some but dont have any here

TPBM cant think of a new and different topic that hasnt been said yet??


(╯°□°)╯ ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
false.. I haven't been in this thread for a while, and its already at page 22 for my setup :shock: so it doesn't count if I do doubles ;) gives more people a chance to get in the game

TPBM thinks stickers are cool (in general)


New Member
stickers are cool on binders and walls and shit but on cars.....GAY!

TPBM just caught a cold like i did =/


False. Not in general no. I don't think it's cool to plaster stickers all over things. And in general I think bumper stickers look terrible as fuck. However I am all for supporting company names with the stickers. :thumbs up

TPBM has to work in the rain.


New Member
true but i stay true with my 3rd gens :D

TPBM wishes they were in their garage doing something to their car instead of doing what they are doing right now


False, I'm feverishly masturbating right now at work

TPBM is kinda kreeped out by alexjoo's picture because it looks like some 12 year old midget


Frequent Blogger
True! but she's kinda sexy tho! gotta admit lol

The Person below me - is mad about paying child support