The Person Below Me


Tire and Wheel Specialist
True 150k, still runnin strong <3

P.S. Kinda funny cuz im at subway right now.

Tpbm doesnt know if theyre teg is a boy or girl
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Real Good!
FALSE mine is def a guy, nothing really feminine about. even tho it likes to have gas pump into it, witch creeps me out specially when i makes me pay for it <.<

@ Girlsdoitbetter hahaha oops, love that place. stopped going to it because i was going a few times a wk

TPBM saw that ppl are getting subway now and feels like they should go pick some up :)


Senior Ricer
False, I got me a foot long buffalo chicken sub.

TPBM thinks the government should redesign the traffic system, because it sucks balls!


Senior Ricer
False, after this summer where we got like an inch i appreciate the rain now, lol

TPBM is still procrastinating on a school assignment and cursing CI and FB.


Senior Ricer
True lol, im a master procrastinator.

TPBM thinks the Lou Reed and Metallica album is the worst waste of money ever, lol