The Person Below Me


Senior Ricer
false, put $25 in the jimmy yesterday, like $30 in the teg two wks ago :)

TPBM is going out tonight with friends and gonna get sht faced lol
True, I have the house to myself tonight so a few girls are gonna come over :p

TPBM hasnt played forza 4 yet


Real Good!
false, when i do its because i bought it along with a new 360

TPBM will give me n my friends a ride to HIS HOUSE ^ ^ ^ ^ to party with his lady friends


Senior Ricer
False, one of them is 22 so we all pitched in to get the drinks. I love living close to college town.

TPBM needs to shower cuz they are stankin the workplace up


False. I shower everyday so typically I don't stink. :thumbs up

TPBM thinks Covert_Con should try deodorant. Lol.


Senior Ricer
False, I'm a tea drinker.

TPBM has homework to do tonight that they forgot about while getting their super awesome audio system installed


Real Good!
FALSE, my system took for ever to install. but for now its finally done. IT IS SUPER AWESOME THO

TPBM is eating or will be eating cereal tonite before bed