Link doesn't work. Not worth fixing anyway, it's just a picture of your beat up LS with neons, if you're going to post your own car, it better be minty as hell like 8urcivic or xSlickWhiteTegx
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Link doesn't work. Not worth fixing anyway, it's just a picture of your beat up LS with neons, if you're going to post your own car, it better be minty as hell like 8urcivic or xSlickWhiteTegx
^K20? I don't know how much more UKDM things you can fit on that car! Haha!^^ aww gee thanksdont forget goofygamer..
mines not minty now though, will be again in april, plus extra surprise.
It's not that, it's just that you didn't read the OP and it is irritating to have a thread bump'd for no reason. Just make sure to read, all the kids are doing these daysdude relaxe.im new to this s***.can i feel happy about my car for ONCE...lol