Testing Out My New DSLR

K. Legaspi

You Buggin' Out
Haha everyone join the Canon XTi club! haha jk I've got some more shots I'll post later.


New Member
not a bad start.

just so you know, you should research a bit more about photography now that you have a DSLR. its not just a simple point and shoot, and to leave it on Auto mode all the time is just a waste of your money. learn how to use manual mode, where different apertures and focal lengths can greatly improve the look of your photos.

also, check out basic photography stuff, like the rule of thirds, which makes for a much more interesting composition.
this is another good link to get you started.

again, good start, and i look forward to more photos soon!



Registered Badass
AccessPhoto.com and Lunacore.com are two sites i go to. i am no expert, nor do i have a nice ass camera like yourself, but you can learn a thing 'er two on those sites.


Unregistered User
I only shoot in manual mode now.

Use your settings, play with them, set stuff to so amazing things. using your camera in auto makes it only as good as a point and shoot.