Teg Awards of 2005


The Transporter
Eviloliv3 said:
next time theres a poll where you arent allowed to vote for yourself, it needs to be public.
well i think people on here have enough honor to obide by the rules. but ok next time i will


The Transporter
WINNERS (request of teg9five)

and the winners are

Best Teg of 05 ...................................................................insidiousdc2
Best 98+ Teg .....................................................................IntegrasAreBest
Best 94-97 Teg ..................................................................insidiousdc2
Best Teg with less than 2k invested .................................g3teg97
Best G2 Teg ......................................................................90 Da9
Best JDM Teg ....................................................................Eviloliv3
Best 4 door Teg ................................................................SilverDB8
Best N/A Teg ....................................................................TegSox
