Ted's Owner is back in the Honda game -- Nick's '95 Integra LS hatchback

Ted's Owner

On to Integra number two!
Got some cleaning and painting done today. I'm going to be at a huge car show tomorrow (1,500+ cars) and I wanted my car clean.
Cleaned under the hood and in the engine bay.

Repainted my spare wheel. I repainted it candy pink once before, but it didn't turn out well, so I repainted it again, added red sparkle clear to it, and I did some orange paint pen accents. I did all of the orange by hand.

And then I washed the car.


Active Member
Dude, you should get an si vtec lip.

Ted's Owner

On to Integra number two!
'Sup peoples,
So, I get paid tomorrow, and I've got three mods that I'm pondering. I wouldn't be able to afford all three, so here's what I'm planning.

Mod 1 = $200ish
Mod 2 = $150ish
Mod 3: $135ish

I'm going to try and get mod 1. If I can't afford it, I'll move to mod 3 and something else. If I can't afford mod 3 and something else, I'll move to mod 2. If I can't afford mod 2, I'll move to mod 3.
Confused yet?
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basically, i like fast!
You have to loopback around the sun in order to experience the full potential of mod 2, so I would go with that one.