thats the dopest teg ive seen other than coys..more videos dude love those shits.i watch your vids on youtube lol
lolol as brown as your noise was... it just got mo brown.... and savannah said shes got some knee pads if you want to borrow them, she was waiting to break them in til i showed back up, but you need them more....i was gona post my maxima up since there were so many nose bleeds in here but i praise you!!!!!!!!!!! lolol
haha you sir will be repped for such postman wtf thats not slammed get that shiet outa here
Thanks guys. What does coys car look like currently. I'm too lazy to go to his build thread
not even closesorry for thre crappy pic.
yes or no . the back needs to be lowered a lil more to be even but its tucking the top of the tires a little. i need a smaller tire in the back i think.
LOL know what i'm tom bout..i'm in a big ass car w/ no lip and i'm sitting at the same height...YOU'RE LOWERED not slammed!! damnit!!haha you sir will be repped for such post