are those custom or are they the cloth special editions they look like leather seatsIf i go any lower i wont be able to get out of my driveway! lol.
EverettDA, i saw the seats off craigslist. 150 for everything. bought it the day after i got my car.
ive only seen that setup done on a member from g2ic cars i might have a set of leather headrest if your interested in blackThese are custom leather. they didnt come with headrests so i gotta get my cloth ones reupholstered.
my paint is from maacoits all good haha, luckily i got my cousin thats been tuning cars for years that will do it, hey painted his car:
all mine needs is wet sanding though. fresh paint when i bought it. well MAKO paint, but it looks pretty good still.
yeah man how much?ive only seen that setup done on a member from g2ic cars i might have a set of leather headrest if your interested in black