Speedin's Spring Break Photoshoot


New Member
i wanna do beach shots... but the tow truck would probably get in the way of the picture :lol:


The Transporter
redg2 said:
how many times do you guys get stuck in sand like for real
Only once. Thats because I sped up to like 30 and cut HARD into the spot and just dug in. It was SOO worth it. LOL. Worst part is when some DIP SHIT goes too slow for you to be in second gear. Because driving at 3500 rpms in first on a soft beach just DOESNT work. So I had to pass some people.


The Transporter
Kuchtaboy said:
Ricer pods ftw!!!! lol

sweet pictures man, thats a really good idea!
pishhh, at least mine serve a purpose. Unlike your 7in dash mounted Tach and 2in shiftlight. You ricer! LOL

Thanks for all the comments. Yea, this is where this car really belongs. Fits in GREAT!


Unregistered User
speedin said:
pishhh, at least mine serve a purpose. Unlike your 7in dash mounted Tach and 2in shiftlight. You ricer! LOL
lol, yO bOi! Ma TaCh is 8iNcHeS DawG! gEt iT sTraiT FoOl! aNd I nEED mA sHifT LiGhT! iTs PeRFoRmAnCE JDM DawG! StEp OfF! YoU kNow Ma PowA tO wEigHt rAtiO iS waY betTa ThAn YourS. YoU woUlDn'T sTanD A ChaNcE!

lol, damn... that was acutally kind of hard to type.


Kuchtaboy said:
lol, yO bOi! Ma TaCh is 8iNcHeS DawG! gEt iT sTraiT FoOl! aNd I nEED mA sHifT LiGhT! iTs PeRFoRmAnCE JDM DawG! StEp OfF! YoU kNow Ma PowA tO wEigHt rAtiO iS waY betTa ThAn YourS. YoU woUlDn'T sTanD A ChaNcE!

lol, damn... that was acutally kind of hard to type.


Nice pics speedin...