somewhat new


I <3 2.4l's
Winki said:
Nice car... but in the end its still a neon:lol: looks pretty good though NO wing FTW

and hondas are over rated because punk kids think there stock SOHC is the shit... great if moded properly

Agreed, I like a clean well put together honda


Undercover mod
Cheesenip said:
wet or dry? I think I could handle a wet bag buta dry one is out of my league (sp?)
wet or dry LOL wtf
I give you the coolest peon oops im mean Neon driver around:thumbs up awward ;)

i have a 98 auto and i hate it lol


Unregistered User
woah!.... so I thought cheese was a girl... which one of you is a girl now? I'm so confused! lol

oh, and welcome to the site. I got respect for SRT's. They = sexy fast! lol


I <3 2.4l's
<---not girl

so bc i drive a neon makes you automatically think Im a chick? gay

and sorry Winki you have a 1st gen, thhose are what gave the neon a bad rep...

And Thanks Kuchtaboy, for likin it