So, another one bites the dust


New Member
y...y...your car! :cry: i hope it all works out for you, mikal... it sucked to hear you so devastated like that but i'm just glad you were alive to make the damn call about "fuck, my teg is done"... 3rd time's a charm and yo, i wish i lived close enough to offer a hand with whatever but it would be half stripped by the time i even made it down there :lol:. take it easy

Integra Mom

New Member
I'm looking at these pictures and WOW, I am so happy you weren't seriously hurt. If this happened to me at my age, I would be wimpering in a corner somewhere about now. Yep, getting old bites.

I am a mom of a teenager learning to drive, and our teg is our project car...thanks for posting the pics to keep me in check. I am so sorry for your loss and am glad you are able to look forward to your next.

Have you thought about enrolling in an advanced driver's course? I ask only due to your age and that you have had several incidents that seem to stem from inexperience. I take one for my motorcycle every March to keep me sharp and thinking and does help ALOT.


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
damn, one less DB!

good thing you're okay... sucks about your loss. what doesn't kill you mkes you stronger. :thumbup:


definetly GLAD youre okay.

sorry for the loss.

crzy azn

is crzy
appreciate all the comments guys. yea its not so much from inexperience its just..well maybe it is. But i count myself as a really good driver, but even the best make mistakes. i just so happened to make the mistake in heavy traffic which isnt good to begin with. going that fast is just un-exceptable on public roads. and going that fast ther eis a very very slim chance to cover your mistake up. i tried to counter steer, but i was just flying so fast once i lost control it was gone.

crzy azn

is crzy
yea, but im not helping the teg population. like ami said, 3rd times a charm.

i plan on getting another db8 and converting it to rhd. i already have all the parts i need because almost everything is salvagable from my wrecked db8.


"Supersonic Vtec fun"
yup that sucks, its good that your ok. ive had my share of trading paint and it not fun but you learn. and good luck on the new project


damn. Reckless driving ? were you ?
it happened to me about 4yrs ago, spun out like 10times hit a railguard atleast 4 - 5 times in my jetta.
yaih. thank god it happened to me though, got me thinking of an integra. =]
