smoking b20 not starting now!


New Member
My other thread about it smoking has some background info. Has not smoked much at all the last couple days but now a new problem. It doesn't want to start. It will crank, if I giveit gas it cranks a little faster but no starting. I will let it sit and try again and eventually after one of the waiting periods it fires right up. Runs great, smooth idle good power but every time I shut it down it takes a while to start. I don't know what to do. Thinking spark issue but weird it drives fine idles fine once starting right? Ideas???


New Member
put new plugs in starts fine for now.... Monday I am taking it to a friend at a mechanics shop to test o2, coil, fuel pump etc etc and try to figure out what the hell is going on!


New Member
You guys won't believe it but the source of all my problems may have been the key... The car wouldn't start with the key facing one way, the green key on the dash would flash and the cat would just crank. Turn the key to the other side dash light goes away and she fires right up. As of now no smoke. I'll update you all on that but possible the key sensor was messing with the computer causing my car to smoke?? That would explain why it was so inconsistent. I have to laugh :)


^ You drive an automatic? Potentially the could be a problem. I've heard of the key being issues in starting on autos before. Luckily five speeds do not have any key-safety features.