side molding removal....


New Member
i want to remove my side molding on my 94. its black and my car is white... i dont know if it will expose holes of what.... if any one knows a goo prosedure then that would help. thanks


there will be holes left from where the clips are. i believe it's 7-10 holes on each side.


BBHG.. one love.
yeah it's not too good of an idea unless you're planning on spot welding the holes and repainting over them.


Super Duper Moderator
Here's what the inside of your door looks like. See the white clips? Those are what are holding the moldings to the door.

That's how there's holes when you remove the moldings.


New Member
what about if it rains, eventually water is gonna get inside, unless that was sarcasmm. :p


If you really want to get it done, do it the right way, take it to a body shop and get them shaved


New Member
well due to $$$ ill probably just paint them. good thing is there smooth and i dont have to sand them till the bumps are gone like the kick panels


M to the E
IMO i would keep the panel. Looks good on a white teg sort of like a highlight that brings out the car more. Plus it is cheaper, no money no hassle. Learn to love haha.