my pos

ah man thats for watching too much the fast n furiouswell this is how it went down . i had a 99taco that i turbo charge from scratch . fun to drive but 400 hp i was going to end up getting killed in it . so i traded for a 2000 Si with a itr swap and had it for a week or so, but i don't like civics. so two days be for Christmas i trade again for the car i have been looking for a long time the itr swap gsr integra it was the closest thing i can find in ky for sale and on my way home in my new love i hit black ice spun a round hit the bank and flip my car .now after a months my insurance not going to pay off .not going to give me a dam thing for it .i just need some to fix it now so win you have a car all fix up just to lit you know its just a stock car to them they don't care if you have 1000 in just your Head lights .lol so that's what went down .o i was not hurt in the wrecked