It wasn't quite a junkyard though. It was at a tow companies impound yard, and now the insurance company is auctioning it off.
My friends cousin is going to try to buy it back. He's got $500.. and if it goes over, i'll jump in.
I think he got mad that i had more money to drop on it, because he said something like "Oh we can buddy up on the bidding, then i'll just take the engine and you can have the rest of it."
Honestly my exact thoughts were "Fuck that." I don't want to drop 500+ on a totaled car WITHOUT AN ENGINE. I know the engine is worth money, that's why I fucking want it. If the audio system and engine doesn't go with it, I can't really see myself dropping that much money on it.
Hell, maybe if they get it back they'll give me the alarm at least. (Cause I has the trailer which will tow it home.
