if you didnt get what i got from the teaser...well idk,
But i picked up this guy: A recaro SPG which is out of date (but you can still use it in everything)
normal wear and tear
dirty stitching
getting ready for cleaning
weighting the seat down with my prothane trailing arm bushings while cleaning
water, and woolite and a vaccume
at first i had FIA sparco sliders but the seat wouldnt go low enough or close enough to the actual steering wheel
changed to a shorter bolt, still too fucking high!
I noticed that my seat isnt that far foward so...i saw if i could drive without the sliders
Garage Star seat mounting bushings work super well, you can protect your investment with these
its low, and its close enough for me to drive comfortably, threw in the s2k seat as well
shout out to JDM zip ties!