Okay, didn't get the side markers done because there is no way I can get the inner fender liner out without taking the wheels off, and my jack is being repaired (hydraulic piston leaking) so I can't do that until I get out to my dad's and use his jack.
here are a couple pics of what I got done today:
deleted rear wiper
in this pic, the following updates:
*brand new distributor
*heat shield painted in flat black
*heat shield bolts polished up (hit them with a wire wheel to shine those bitches up)
also, today, I painted my OEM front lip in a "low gloss" black. It had been looking a little "iffy" the last few years, and with this nice, fresh paint, it just wasn't up to standard anymore, so I had to make it look good and sexy. I don't have pics of it at the moment.
Sorry the pics aren't very clear, they were taken with my phone's camera. I STILL can't find my damn Nikon to snap some quality pics.
On the agenda for Monday...
Wire Side-Markers (FINALLY)
Wire up 3rd Brake Light
Detail Interior
Finish my 5Zigen wheels (or at least get more progress made on them) *picked up a can of B62-P (Captiva Blue Pearl) to do a PERFECT color match of the lips to my car.

Figured I'd do it
RIGHT this time around.
Detail the Engine Bay a bit. MASSIVE degreasing coming, as well as taking time with hoses, etc. to make them look brand new (Hell, most ARE new, they are just dirty from sitting and dust getting under the hood.)
I have a lot to do Monday. Hopefully, it will be 100% meet ready by next weekend, then, all I'll have to do is actually put the wheels on and drive it down to Richmond.