Replacing thermostat..?


Run ur car NOT ur mouth!
anyone know how to replace the thermostat on a 1998 GSR? i got all the parts, but ive never had to do this before. buddy of mine said it was pretty simple. I got the new t-stat, the gasket and the sealant. jsut need to know wherre to locat eht sensor, and what i need to do. post on here, or email me at [email protected] you help will be VERY much appreicated.


i know how to change the thermostat in my '95 se...i have no idea if it'll be the same in a '98, though. someone confirm.


its so easy follow the upper radiator hose at the end of the hose near the block is the T-stat housing check out TI theres a write up about it on there


i would do a quick write up for ya but im too tired if you still cant figure it out lemme know i'll do a quick step by step for ya


teggyls said:
its so easy follow the upper radiator hose at the end of the hose near the block is the T-stat housing check out TI theres a write up about it on there
if '98s and '95s have the same thermostat location, then i think you mean follow the lower radiator hose and you'll end up at the thermostat housing. loosen the clamp at that end of the lower radiator hose and remove the bolts you see/feel around the housing. there are two 10mm bolts (i'm pretty sure two, but if not, someone correct me). you might have to use a wrench to get them out. i only had trouble with one. then you just remove that piece of the housing and replace the thermostat and gasket. i don't think i left anything out, but if you want to be safe, look it up on T-I or HT. hopefully you'll get your answer here, though. :thumbs up

p.s. my lower radiator hose was stuck on there pretty tight. you might have to pull and yank until it comes loose. watch out for coolant! lol


Automatic Lover
Your best off replaceing the rad. hose at the sam tiem. That way you can just cut a slit and pull it off. If your thermo needs changing, the hose is soon to follow. Trust me, you don't want a hole in that especcially on a long roadtirip like nopi.


^ yeah, you might as well. i ended up having to replace my radiator hoses a few months later because i started getting a coolant leak. the upper radiator hose was corroded in a spot that wasn't visible.


Automatic Lover
My buddy had one crack on the way down to nopi 2 years ago. Duct tape doesn't cut it when the end of your hose cracks. We drove 35 min to the nearst pep boys to get a new hose-35 min back, and another 30min changing it. His car smelled like shit for the next 2 days, and we ended up waiting valuable bar time. Let that be lesson. Always change your hoses. There easy as hell to change in a lighted garage but there a pain in the ass when its hot as hell, or cold as fuck out and you have no tools or it's dark. Your basically doing half the work anyway.