Post your pet pictures.


BBHG.. one love.

Golden- Casey, Black Lab- Jamie

Cookie :)

annnnnnnnd the newest addition: SOPHIE! we have a pet mouse in my dorm illegally haha


BBHG.. one love.
^lol... GL not getting caught and dont let it out... the girls will hate you lol
haha yeah everytime my RA knocks we hide her under my bed. and all the girls like her so i doubt they'd freak but still, it wouldn't be too good if she got out hahaha


BBHG.. one love.
hahaha i know its been 3 weeks, and weve been pretty good with maintaining the smell. but i keep getting whiffs of her now.. not too pleasant.


Keep on Truckin
Hardest thing will be hiding the smell. Mice STINK! Some spilt beer should work though LOL.
lol they arent as bad as you would think most of the time... i had a hamster and she almost never stunk.
hahaha i know its been 3 weeks, and weve been pretty good with maintaining the smell. but i keep getting whiffs of her now.. not too pleasant.
LOL... you might wanna get on that or consider getting rid of her :(


BBHG.. one love.
^hahahaha no no no we change her cage every week but im saying so far it hasnt been too bad since we clean alot


BBHG.. one love.
haha jim get me oneeeee!! haha just kiddin, one mouse is enough for me, damn does that thing poop it's so gross.


not my puppies, but i love them! we got my brother-in-law to get the english bulldog on saturday. she's three months old. sweet as ever!

^her name is Butters. lol she's a real chunker.

^the akita is my other brother-in-law's. he's four months old and getting so big already! that's right before they decided they didn't like each other.