Slo_Teggy Slow Driver Jun 17, 2012 #33 Flower_BW_WM by xSLWRTHNUx, on Flickr Taken for someone as kind of an inside-joke.
Slo_Teggy Slow Driver Jun 22, 2012 #36 Took these tonight Dock_WM by xSLWRTHNUx, on Flickr Lake_WM by xSLWRTHNUx, on Flickr
supersilko New Member Jun 22, 2012 #37 Either You guys know how to take picture or is it just my nex 5n is just crap Sent from my Game Gear using Tapatalk
Either You guys know how to take picture or is it just my nex 5n is just crap Sent from my Game Gear using Tapatalk
jbrown97ls Active Member Jun 23, 2012 #38 My girlfriend uses an NEX3 and they come out well.... Editing always brings a photo to life. Practice and you'll naturally progress.
My girlfriend uses an NEX3 and they come out well.... Editing always brings a photo to life. Practice and you'll naturally progress.
pinkley b@115D33p Jun 23, 2012 #39 This is what I get to look at every night at work And just a cool pic from last night.