post whore icon


ONLY couches pull out!!!!
my buddy jimmy just brought it to my attention of how cool it would be to have a "post whore icon" beside ur user name. i mean it could be like at least 10 post a day to qualify.....i dunno..i think it would be tight. anyone else think so?:D


ONLY couches pull out!!!!
well we have to get someone to mod we need to get a symbol.


Super Moderator
If so it should only count to those who make useful posts. Posting useless nonsense is the very reason we don't count lounge posts anymore. Because most of them are completely irrelevant. I wouldn't count on it. That would only instigate whoring even more


Undercover mod
i think the post whore symbol should be mojos old avitar lol


I think that would contribute even more to people going and posting uselessly everywhere just to get an icon by there name. Also I didn't know that lounge posts don't count anymore, thats cool. What about previous lounge posts?


well, i just thought it would be tight.
I kinda like the status bars like HT has, so that people will rate you based on information you provide. Thats kinda cool. I think it will give people a reason to donate more usefull information then "sounds good" or "I don't like that, try something else". You get the idea.:lol:


Unregistered User
There's only so much you can say to provide useful information... Everyone has answered every question on the board. If you wanted ONLY useful information, go to TI. I'll give help where I can, but with a bunch of smart people already on the boards, there isn't much you can say that someone else already hasn't.

a post whore is someone being friendly... (except in moho's case) I don't think it'll add to anything too much.. besides, people are bitching now about no one posting as much anymore... maybe it'll bring the boards more to life. maybe a post whore Icon should be awarded when you have so many posts over x amount of time. (i.e. 100 posts in a month)

I'm a post whore, I won't lie. but I never did it to be annoying to anyone, i am just being social. you are all friends to me, so why not talk?

10 posts a day would be pushing IMO. how about a post whore Icon to someone who posts on average like 100 posts a month just in the lounge?


How about we have that reputation points thing?
Thats kinda what I was talking about. I agree with like a rating on how much you post, sorta like awarding being active. Maybe not limit it just to the lounge tho, just your post count in general and also incorporate how often you post, and make it so that it will depreciate if you stop posting so you actually have to keep up with it.