Post Pics of Local Ricers


Real Good!
I have a pair of 94-97 if you're interested; we gotta get you OEM, dude :thumbs up
hahaha def, if he gives u a good price dont pass them up they will be worth it

went to the casino in michigan last nite and seen this beast in the parking garage(not a ricer but def something to look at)
WTF is up with all the nick nacks?



hahaha def, if he gives u a good price dont pass them up they will be worth it

went to the casino in michigan last nite and seen this beast in the parking garage(not a ricer but def something to look at)
WTF is up with all the nick nacks?

Looks like some Mexican in the Bay Area!!


hahahaha nah, not mexican they didnt have their last name on the back
Round these parts, we have Our Lady of Guadalupe!
Random Images search for 'Our Lady of Guadalupe' literally brought this beast up on the first page of results. I think it's a Hype-R
(Side Window)



Round these parts, we have Our Lady of Guadalupe!
Random Images search for 'Our Lady of Guadalupe' literally brought this beast up on the first page of results. I think it's a Hype-R
(Side Window)

How you gonna neg rep me for this post, say 'go fuck yourself', and then not sign your rep?
That's like whispering it from across the room; grow a pair of nuts or a sense of humor :roll:


Senior Ricer
Premium membership, baby! It's worth it; it's paid for itself already when I ordered my clutch from here and also has some other benefits, like a nice little red badge :lol:
I only have 1 lolz. I haven't needed to go into the user cp that much so im not sure how I would have you blocked :???:


Extreme Music Addict
it's lady driven car. you failed to mention that as well! Mugen vc is pretty fail :( I'm so disappointed. And the altezzas, holy mother. Just an epic failboat.