Post Pics of Local Ricers


New Member
That's pretty much all cardomain has been for the past 3-4 years. All of the halfway decent cars get overrun by the f***ing attention whores with the ugliest cars on the site that post "hey man, nice car. 5 stars for you" on damn near everyone's page.

Perfect example:

I used to see this f***er on EVERYONE'S page, even pages that had no pics of cars at all saying the same old "5 stars" s***.

Edit: Searched for Integra's, the top rated one looks like it came straight from 1999.
WTF?????????? The damn guages on the hood is f*cking stupid!


(╯°□°)╯ ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
Almost thought you accidentally posted your car in this thread like someone else in the far past.. Welcome :lol:


Senior Member

saw this gem while picking up a friend for work
had a carbon fiber everything, a hood scoop, and some nice stickers