poor gas mileage! my wife just got an LS

Spicy Hot LS

New Member
Ok my wife just got an ls about a week ago now. she is telling me that she is getting bad gas miles out of the car telling me that her grand am gave her better gas mileage. i was like yeah right. so i took the car for the week filled it up and i had to do some running around, and sure enough it is getting shitty gas miles. i was able to only get like 250 out of a full tank. what should i change or check to get some better gas miles? the car is 100% stock. with my civic and it had a b16 in it and i was able to get at least 320 out of it.

Spicy Hot LS

New Member
i was thinking that i just ordered her a ram air intake because it was stock and i was going to change the fuel filter also. should i change the plugs and wires? the car has 109k on it


Super Moderator
Here's some tips I found:


Keep your engine tuned up. Incorrect fuel ratio, bad spark plugs and incorrect spark timing can have a big effect on gas mileage.

Don't use your air conditioner (A/C) unless you really need it. The A/C compressor puts an extra strain on the engine.

Make sure your tires are properly inflated. Under inflated tires cause more resistance to travel.

Avoid stop and go traffic by taking alternative routes or less congested travel times.

Ask other people with the same type of car what kind of gas mileage they get, it may alert you to a problem with your car.

Use a good engine oil, preferably a synthetic or standard oil treated with a friction reducing oil additive. These have been known to improve fuel economy by as much as 12%.

Reduce the weight in your vehicle as much as possible. (Good excuse to get the mother-in-law out of the car....)

Use your cruise control whenever possible.

Keeping your highway speed at 55 mph can improve you gas mileage by as much as 25%, compared to 75 mph. (Yeah, I know--this one's tough for us too)

Avoid trying to increase speed while climbing a hill, your engine is already working hard trying to overcome gravity.

Keep your windows closed when possible. Open windows actually reduce gas mileage compared to using the A/C.

Remove accessories, such as luggage rack, etc. that lower the aerodynamics of your vehicle.


Super Moderator
No because I get close to 300 - 350 on a tank in the city.

Spicy Hot LS

New Member
yeah that is what i was looking for something like about 300 because my prelude gets me 400 highway miles and my civic got me about 320 city so i know her car should get at least 300!


Super Moderator
I get close to 400 to a tank on the highway. My mom uses the cruise control and found out where the optimum speed is. Around 64-65 MPH. She gets close to 36 MPG.


New Member
is that miles u guys talking about? cause i only get 300 in the city and up to 400 on the highway in my "R" and im talking KM here so thats like 186city and 248highway (in miles)

(per full gastank)

greetz sis