Playing in Photoshop (WRX)


Goes Vroom in the Night
The edit #2 and #3 on pic 1 are a bit dark, but that photo its self came out dark. Mainly that corner under the A/C unit. I want to play with adding external lighting, but its difficult when your mobile. IDk, I'll get something one day. Thats the only way I think I can really get some shine in those shadows on such a dark car. I cant photoshop it, its gets to pixelated and just poor looking.

You should look into playing with the Burning & Dodging tools. Just like in film photography in the darkroom, you can block or add light to your Photoshopped image. The Dodge tool will make things lighter and the Burn tool will darken them. I think if you Dodged the front bumper area just a hair and used the Sponge tool to even it out, it'll really bring out the front of the car.