Pictures of Teggy's wake.. ;(


New Member
Awww man that sucks!!!.... What the fuck... That is in no way your fault, Sue the insurance company.


The Transporter
Vanessa said:
Tuesday it would have been 6 years :( 6 years of teggy bliss..
thats SO sad to see. i cant beleve what u have to go through with insurance now to. i hate those fuckers


Super Moderator
Do you have insurance with USAA?

Edit: Nevermind I actually read the post. :oops:
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Honda / Acura Fanatic
shit so sorry that that happened to your teg. im glad your ok vanessa! i know exactly how you feel on somebody stealing shit off your car though. when i went to the impound lot my volks were gone, sparcos, etc, etc. i fell to to the floor crying because it felt like somebody stabbed the shit out of my heart.


as long as your alright. you can always argue like hell to get the money from the insurance company. who gave the insurance company the quote of the damage too bad you didnt know someone. you could tell them to give the insurance company some huge figure of the damages. (aftermarket parts that were destroyed.) gl with everything.


Undercover mod

WTF they wont pay??? how does that work, what lame excuse are they giving you??

U better do something about that ... what does your insurande say?

that sux bad


Blk Dude™
Yeah, I mean in the end as long as you're okay, that's number 1. Number 2.) is trying to get some type of settlement. I would take that to a lawyer, because that's in no way your fault that it took place anyhow, so his insurance BETTER pay. I would fight that shit. That's like saying someone runs a redlight, kills a kid, and doesn't go to jail. Getting a way free on something they did.


Super Moderator
I'm not saying that it's her fault, but there's a lot that goes into how insurance adjusters settle claims. There's more than we know, but from what it looks like you should be getting something, even if it's the value of the car prior to the hit. Please reply to my PM, I might be able to help you, Vanessa.


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
i believe that is a law or protocol about if anyone rear ends you... or if you rear end someone... the person that rear ends the other car is 100% at fualt no matter what... so even if you slammed on the brakes @ a green light and the guy rear ends you... its his fualt

glad you're okay tho :thumbs up... i hope you get full coverage... that way you'll get paid... if you know what i mean :p

btw - i like your amber corners *hint*hint* *wink*wink* lol pm me if you catch my drift.... :D


New Member
damn that sux about your car, but as fas as the deck goes thats probably a lie there usuallythe ones to take stuff like that and blame it on theft, contact the better buisness bureu and ask if they have insurance on stolen property