Pics From The 3rd Annual Texas State Meet


The Transporter
Is that hat on Kevins head because he himself is an "Asshat?" lol, but really. Love that Bigass turboed JDM front teg! Lots of JRSC cars their. Oh and got more pics of that Cobra?


1 jrsc 05 w/ cwest bumper and no power steering lol the guy had sore arms from driving from dallas
1 comptech 05 supercharged w/ 50shots of nitrous
1 jrsc 02-04 from louisana
2 jrsc 02-04 from houston

2 turbo charged rsxs
-base auto w/ kpro (1st only one so far that i know of)
-793whp rsx tuned by st00pid..

and no cobras at the scene...if ur talking bout the KB supercharger, it was in a nagivator..or so i was told..when i got there it already left..

lol i came to my own meet an hour late...we are still waiting for pics from a couple more ppl

i need to stay out of the fucking sun...i'm already on the cambodian stage...soon i will be a "my dang"


The Transporter
G3GirL said:
and no cobras at the scene...if ur talking bout the KB supercharger, it was in a nagivator..or so i was told..when i got there it already left..
BOOOOO, What a waste of a Kenny Bell SC


07 BMW 328Xi
G3GirL said:
i need to stay out of the fucking sun...i'm already on the cambodian stage...soon i will be a "my dang"
lol. damn you. i consider myself light for a cambodian and you'reeeeeeee way darker than me. oh yeah. . . who gave you your haircut. lol.:twisted:


JDM_Conv3rsion said:
lol. damn you. i consider myself light for a cambodian and you'reeeeeeee way darker than me. oh yeah. . . who gave you your haircut. lol.:twisted:
kev's mom probably gave him the haircut. vietnamese bowl cut FTW! haha fob. =) the end. i needa sleep for work.

p.s. your homo ass better not get me banned, keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin.


lol i go to the 5 dolla hair cuts...and tip 2 bucks cuz i'm a balla :lol: girls have said my haircut is nice...i dunno wat ya talking bout

i'm not doing anything why would u get banned? i kno i have alot of haters on this site...but they cant keep me down lol...i neg rep the shit out of jason on CRSX. lol


07 BMW 328Xi
G3GirL said:
lol i go to the 5 dolla hair cuts...and tip 2 bucks cuz i'm a balla :lol: girls have said my haircut is nice...i dunno wat ya talking bout
5 bucks? damn that's cheap. mine is usually $10. so do you really use a cracked bowl to cut your hair?


i dotn need a expensive haircut cuz i'm naturally handsome...

i guess u need the extra help lol $10.00 :lol:


07 BMW 328Xi
G3GirL said:
i dotn need a expensive haircut cuz i'm naturally handsome...

i guess u need the extra help lol $10.00 :lol:
haha. mine cost more cause i actually HAVE HAIR TO CUT. i guess your hair is cheap. lol. lowest quality of hair i bet. haha.