Photoshop Request


Yes, that is what I was going for. Maybe slightly less rounded roots on the bottom of the stump and a little bit of bark lines , but that's great so far. I like that the best so far since it's a little more original than a shutter. I also really like the font you used. The letters are perfect.

I really commend you for working with so little info. :lol:
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Yes, that is what I was going for. Maybe slightly less rounded roots on the bottom of the stump and a little bit of bark lines , but that's great so far. I like that the best so far since it's a little more original than a shutter. I also really like the font you used. The letters are perfect.

I really commend you for working with so little info. :lol:
aite i gotcha...ill continue with some more detail additions so keep looking on the thread for updates...:)


I like that a lot!the only thing is, sorry if I'm being picky, is the stump touching the R.

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Oh man, you're making this hard for me to pick. Last one I'll ask for- the most detailed one without the little tail on it?
