Peggy the teggy


New Member

No more abs lines. Hopefully ordering the shit I need to finish tonight.

Shaved some stuff so I can fill the holes.

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just needs a little resurfacing :lol: I cant believe you rattle canned your bay! looks pretty good


New Member
It came out okay. Idk if I'm happy. Might have another go. Thanks tho.

Put a new tie bar in as well.
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I'm a gearheAd
Peggy the teggy is slowly becoming Lindsey the teggy, i don't know any other more attractive name lol

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New Member
Lol slowly. Good thing I'm making real money. Picked up bondo to fill holes. In the bay. Gunna try and pick up a head this werk

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I'm a gearheAd
Soon it's going to be Hrubss the teggy, you know, cause Hrubss is a hot name..

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what color do you plan on painting the car?

You should have filled the holes before you laid paint :lol:


New Member
I want white. But she may stay silver for awhile. I kmow I should have. I wasn't gunna do it till now lol.

Bitch is on all 4s!

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New Member

Interior is back together. I need a airbag delete.

Nothings under there anymore.

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New Member
So. I'm ordering oem valve seals, rings, seals/gaskets and bearings. Dropped my head off the other day. Going to drop my block off. We're shaving both to bump my compression. Then I'll re build her. He's also going to paint it all silver. I know shaving isn't idea. But. I'll live with it just fine. Also going to tune it when all Is done. I love making real money.

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