PCV Valve


New Member
Here are a few pics that I got:
This is the top view, where it connects to the Intake Manifold(blue PCV valve)

Here is where the hose goes from the PCV and passed through the manifold. This is the reason for the random hole in the left side of the intake.

This is the bottom view, where the hose connects to the crankcase breather chamber. Crappy pic, I know. Its sideways but you can see where the hose connects to the top of the crankcase breather chamber.

This is the diagram that the manual gives. Once again, cell phone pic so the quality sucks.

Basically PCV stands for Positive Crankcase Ventilation. Its used to recycle the blow-by gas into the intake manifold to prevent it from entering the atmosphere. The PCV valve acts as a check valve when the engine backfires to prevent crankcase explosion.

This being said, I dont think it would be a bright Idea to close this hole up lol. Ive never heard my Teg back fire, but I dont wanna take the chance either.


New Member

Switch the commentaries on the last two pics.

And I got the picture of the CBC(crank Breather chamber, second to last pic) upright. So dont look at it sideways of confusion may occur.


New Member
i just replaced mine this past weekend my old one the check inside didnt even move anymore...lol


New Member
If you're talking about a rattle sound from the PCV valve, it might have been a spring & pluger type which don't make any noise.


do what now?
to check the PCV vavle just remove it and if makes a rattle noise it is still in good condntion.^


New Member
Confirmed that the small tube in the block (that connects to the breather box) goes through the head up to the valve chamber and not down to the combustion chamber. This means the some of the vapors sucked through the check valve came from the 1" hole in the combustion chamber and some of the "vapors" came from the valve chamber.

Anyway, I'm going to connect everything the way it was and forget I ever saw that &$#% breather box.


New Member
the one i bought makes noise when i shake it...and the one i had on the was 18yrs old...and it was trying to move but couldnt because it had so much shit in it...


Jesse I assume you already figured it out, but the two hoses on the black box, one goes to through intake to a port on the center of the manifold. The other goes to the block.

As for removing it, I can't see it being all that hurtful. Like I said, the new Integra's don't have this block box, they just have a PCV valve on the valve cover.


New Member
To check PCV: Take the hose off the valve. Plug the PCV hole with your finger. If the valve clicks, then its good. Listen carefully to hear the click.