over heating!!!


New Member
well basically itll happen before the car is actually fully warmed up, when i put over heating thats the best way i can describe it when it "steams". cus like i put above, i took out the radiator then took out ac, and replaced header bolts cus they broke. then i put the radiator back, connected everything, put coolant, turned the car on and noticed the "steam". coolant levels is full. When i turned the car on, i left it on, trying to see if the fan would turn on, it wouldnt. i also noticed that it came from the headers, and not anywhere else.


Boredest Member
Then its not overheating, not yet. That is why i asked because most people see smoke and immediately think overheat and describe it as such. You need to identify what the smoke is and pinpoint its source. Look over everything you worked on if youre having trouble.