Osama is dead


Real Member
They recently discovered oil and mineral resources in Afghanistan..and that was what..Aug 2010. But the US is not touching it. The Chinese have already started digging for riches. I doubt 9 years ago, US knew there were money making resources there.
Please..... they knew there was oil untouched( at least not by America) long before that .


Internet Hate Machine
Right, Iraq wasn't because of him. Iraq was because of the "nukes" that were never found right? A war that only killed hundreds of thousands because of bad intelligence. Nice.
You shut your fucking ass up. Afgans, Iraqis. They're all the same to me, all an opportunity to get my Expert rifle ribbon. Every fuckin dead hadji deserves it so fuck em. Go listen to green day you fuckin piece of shit.


Super Duper Moderator
Right, Iraq wasn't because of him. Iraq was because of the "nukes" that were never found right? A war that only killed hundreds of thousands because of bad intelligence. Nice.
And that "hunderds of thousands" number of dead Iraqi's is a completely phony number. Common left wing talking point completely pulled out of thin air.

And the conga line of Democrats who said Iraq had WMD's and we should go in there and find them is a mile long, and both Clinton's are at the front of it.
Every major intelligence service in the world believed he had WMD's. Britian, France, Italy, Russia, ect.
Saddam's own Generals thought they had them, Saddam used WMD's as a bluff to prevent other countries from attacking him, namely the U.S. and Iran. He had used them on his own people, the Kurds, in the 80's, so why would anyone doubt him. It's on video, big guy.
So spare us.


level 77 troll
You shut your f***ing ass up. Afgans, Iraqis. They're all the same to me, all an opportunity to get my Expert rifle ribbon. Every f***in dead hadji deserves it so f*** em. Go listen to green day you f***in piece of s***.
Fuck yeah!!!!! USA ftmfw!!!! We own this planet, every other country can kiss our asses, HOME OF THE BRAVE!!!! We don't back down from shit! Fuck with us, we will find you, and kill you. Mad respect for the team that got him. They should be decorated and paraded through every city and town in America! With obl's head on a stick, all winners deserve a trophy, and that's winning at its finest. America, FUCK YEAH!!!!!!


do what now?
and you wonder why some many people hate americans^
to be honest it dont make a difference if he is dead or not.


Respected Member!!
Yes true. A war isnt won in a day its about strategy sleeper cells or not if these people think r govt will eventually kill them more than likely they will back down im not saying all of them but his death will have a effect!


You shut your f***ing ass up. Afgans, Iraqis. They're all the same to me, all an opportunity to get my Expert rifle ribbon. Every f***in dead hadji deserves it so f*** em. Go listen to green day you f***in piece of s***.
That's a pretty compelling argument you c***. Go crawl in Your trailer and believe everything you hear on TV lol.
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Keep It Clean
I'm disgusted at the ignorance/stupidity of this country.

Right, Iraq wasn't because of him. Iraq was because of the "nukes" that were never found right? A war that only killed hundreds of thousands because of bad intelligence. Nice.
You're correct, but incorrect on how many people they killed. It's in the Millions.