Orlando Meet September 2nd, 2006.


Blk Dude™
There's a meet from Team-Integra.net for September 2nd, 2006 in Orlando, Florida. They are meeting up at the Mall of Millenia (sp?) and then cruising, going to eat, and then I think bowling. Just to let you guys know, sharing it on all integra forums that I know of...


Super Moderator
Good idea. You beat me to the post. I was going to post it up when Ketu finalized the plans, but this is still good.


Super Moderator
You have Nextel?

I can't find my phone today, but I'll PM when I do.

You're still wanting to meet up on the way, right? We should figure out how we're going meet up and with the people in Tampa.


Super Moderator
There's is supposed to be some people coming from Tampa so I'll be riding out with those guys. Are you in the Orlando area?


Super Moderator
There's a couple people on here in the Tampa area. They're not too active, but hopefully they see it. I replied to you on TI, I think we should get a time together so people in our areas know what time to leave and meet up to cruise to Orlando.


Blk Dude™
Yeah, I'll agree on that. I got a few friends here that haven't been but I don't know if they'll go, hopefully they will so I can make a "presence" Just want them to hang out and have fun that's all.


i think my boy is coming down from nc for labor day weekend he just got his teg before he left italy so we might make it there.


Super Moderator
Hey we're having some local TI people cruise with us from Tampa, so I'll keep you posted on the times and location.


Super Moderator
We should leave the Lakeland exit at 11:45 just in case of traffic by SR-17.

Let's meet up at the Burger King on 98. If coming from Tampa you get off at Exit 32 and turn left. Maybe a block down the road. If we can get there between 11:15 and 11:30 that would be best. We'll leave at 11:45 sharp from Lakeland.

Sound good everyone?

adoboracer said:
o damn, hopefully im free that day. where u guys coming from?
Are you in the Orlando area or Tampa?