Oil Burning Problem


Super Duper Moderator
Honda's in general tend to burn off more oil that the average car, because they're so high strung. High rpm's burns oil faster than lower rpm's. It was typical, when I changed the oil in my GSR, for only 2 1/4-2 1/2 quarts to drain out. That's after regular 3K miles oil change intervals on a 100K+ engine.


New Member
If Ive been getting on it alot driving it hard then I probably have to get about a quart and a half every two weeks. Is this something I should look to get fixed or is normal. its a 1995 GSR


Super Duper Moderator
I don't think that's normal. 1 1/2 qts every 2 weeks seems to be alot to me, even after hard driving. How many miles on the engine? Is your exhaust smoke normal color and smell?


New Member
TegSox said:
I don't think that's normal. 1 1/2 qts every 2 weeks seems to be alot to me, even after hard driving. How many miles on the engine? Is your exhaust smoke normal color and smell?
oops didn't read that...nvm that is not normal lol


BBS wanted
onepoint-gsr said:
About 140,000 miles on motor. It runs rich and when it smokes its a blue kinda color. Appreciate the help
Blue means its burning oil not good, yup valve seals


ChUcK nOrRiS iS mAd JdM
Get some new valve seals and also get the valves adjusted especially if they've never been down sounds like valve blow by also could be wrong though