what do u mean screwed from the get go? you can do lots with that picture....if i can get better at editing i'll be so much happier but i'm stuck on this pic sadly
i dont know what to do to it! i think the picture was screwed from the get go because nothing i do is making me happy.
I don't worry about it too much. I have lots of people in lots of places that can help me if it were stolen... AAAthats pretty sick.
i'd feel sick to my stomach if i had to leave my camera somewherei'd be scared some shady person would walk off with it.
even if i own a 200 dollar at most camera i'd still hate to lose it.
hook it up with some difference of adjustments on the f stops an set ur camera to raw and adjust the iso to 400 and when you get your tripod you will be able to get that extra detail beyond the darkness that you cant see at the moment.Not really photography, More of a raw test shot.
As a beginner dslr's are f***in awesome, It's midnight so it's pretty dark out in this shot, Now I need a tripod.