i completely agree. the only problem is that world cup finals is packed and i am shooting with a 35mm lens lol.. my others pooped. somethings wrong with their color now.real nice. if that bottom shot was framed a little more to the left so you got the whole name of the raceway and not that guys leg it would have been perfect.
Post a larger file size but :thumbs upTried some HDR the other day
Canon 7D with Canon 28mm f1.8
4 exposures, all at f4.5
Teg DB8 HDR small by ejrj6586, on Flickr
The first one is perfect, the Aperture is just right. Catches the whole car in focus and then blurs everything else.i still haven't tried HDR.
i'm curious to see what i can do.
ok heres a few more from the weekend.
i've been trying REEEEEEEEEEEEALLY HARD to not over process.
all of these are a little different style than i'm used to... REEEEALLY trying to improve
critique needed READY SET GO