^^ was referring to klutchDb7, when I wrote that..haha
but I always use this...
but I always use this...

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Maybe sometime we can get a little meet and greet together with other members from MO. I've got a few Honda buddy's and I'm sure you do too. Get together somewhere BBQ and have a cruse or something.LOL do you know how wore out your be if it happened every night? only pix ill post of her is the one i already posted, you can barely see her, but shes driving in my fav pic! I live in st btw, im sure you herd about the dec 31 tornado in stl this yr, i was involved in it.
Lmao, sounds like where my gf will be in 5 yearsshe has total of 26 piercing and over 48 hrs of tats... but im not posting pics of her tongue , idc if you beilve me or not cause at end of the day i enjoy all three of them every night.
When you wrote what?^^ was referring to klutchDb7, when I wrote that..haha
but I always use this...
Lol awesome, well keep me updated as to what he does with HIS ukdm front, I'd be willing to buy it from him prollyLOL ill be keeping both front ends! it might going to be for my buddy(as a surprise) cause he going to be selling his ukdm front end soon, selling cause of billsso than all we need to get is the surrounds and he will have another uk front :lol:
thanks bro. go for it it's easy to doThey look sick, I want to do the same to mine
pm'd!Did you take your wheels off the rim before painting them or did you use the index card method? My front passenger side is covered in rust so that's going to give me hell making them all look good. I'm going to use the etching primer and flat black engine enamel. If you get a minute could you PM me about any do's and don'ts you have bro?