nos question


New Member
Yes it can. Look up killing integra with nos on youtube. There is like 3 videos total I think. They have well over 200k miles, bone stock and are TRYING to blow the rings to show how strong the d16a1 really is. Bottom line.. Yes definitely you can, but be careful(obviously)

PS. They used dry 75, 100 and 150 shots


Surge Master
The second vid you posted they kept blowing the line off of it, and when it did go it went in a hurry.

The first vid, I wonder how long it would of lasted had it been under load. Was interesting to watch none the less.


New Member
I don't wanna blow my motor I will only be using like maybe twice a month


Not a M0derator
Im not really sure what those videos prove. I dont think anyone expected the engine to literally explode the first time its given a hit. It takes some time for any untuned forced induction to ruin a motor... and it did.

Did anyone notice the lack of wheel spin in the 75 and even 100 shot videos? And Im not talking about the clutch dumps of course. The races in 1st and 2nd gear should have spun those awful tires on that awful road surface but it didn't. That indicates a severe lack of [expected] power from either lack of fuel and/or engine damage.


New Member
D16 has no power Muckman. It couldn't spin a bicycle tire.

I agree though. The videos prove nothing. The damage is done by heat stressing the parts inside. It in't like taking a sledge hammer to your motor. It is more like taking a blow torch to it over and over and then smacking it with a tack hammer.


New Member
I have never noticed that about the wheel spin.. Its a good point

I think they just dont know how to drive, because I have no trouble spinning my tires with my brown top in 1st and second, and I just have zc cams.
Maybe the engine was already tired or something, thats why they chose to just beat on it?


Not a M0derator
Of course its a good point! lol
A 100 shot on any engine should make those bicycle tires spin. I suspect its evidence of a damaged engine.


New Member
The motor probably seen better days and they decided to finish it off I mean I saw a D16A1 that was holding a 75 shot of dry and he said he's had it since december


Not a M0derator
Thats a great mental image.

I put my dollar in but my block got stuck in the vending machine.