NorCal Meet: November


Active Member
Haha my deduction is correct because no meet in December has been confirmed. Take that Sherlock!


Extreme Music Addict
I think I can make it happen still. hurrhurr. just a smaller turnout than this month :p


wish we could get a HUGE one. just lines of hondas. ^^ thatd be BA!
Do you have any clue how difficult it is to coordinate 12 cars in a row; 40 would be impossible, lol. I have an idea how to keep everyone on the same track though. Next time we need to setup three people in back with navigation so when a group gets stuck at a lamp, the first navigator in the rear can come to the front and lead back to the pack. Joe's skills of understanding where the middle of the line leaves much to be desired, lol


New Member
Hey guys i will be down for the next meet but i work Tuesday-Saturday and always get off at midnight, so let me know if by any chance you guys have one on a Sunday.


Active Member
Do you have any clue how difficult it is to coordinate 12 cars in a row; 40 would be impossible, lol. I have an idea how to keep everyone on the same track though. Next time we need to setup three people in back with navigation so when a group gets stuck at a lamp, the first navigator in the rear can come to the front and lead back to the pack. Joe's skills of understanding where the middle of the line leaves much to be desired, lol
I think I'll just stay on the tail end of every caravan. If I ain't first, I'm last.