NorCal Meet: November


we can meet at nut tree
Sure thing!
so i'm gonna pay two tolls?! that makes no sense. plus, I have excess baggage as well
Your homosexuality is already enough baggage for a jumbo f***ing jet, so an extra person ain't bad. And why would you have to pay two tolls? The bridge is after Vallejo
That was a joke right? lol.
This is the IM I got from Wayne on FB
Lil Wayne: i think joe trolled me but i can't tell

Me: hahahahahahahahahahaa

Lil Wayne: like the best response to that is "can't telling if trolling or just stupid"
cuz i can't


New Member
What time are you guys meeting up on Saturday? I work at four. Deciding if I want to make the drive for a short meet or not. haha