Nighthawk's Photo Thread - TONS OF PICS


Goes Vroom in the Night
try changing your ISO to get rid of that noise.

Pictures look awesome bro!!! Keep them coming!!! I wish there was more waterfall's around here...
Thanks man! Waterfalls rule. Those deer pics were so spur of the moment. The ISO was on 400 and the bucks just came out of nowhere so I was freakin out trying to get some shots of them and didnt change any settings. Luckily the amount of light the shot received was good enough to get by. Normally I'll spend a good couple of minutes thinking a shot through and setting it up...then those guys came out and were already staring at me and snorting haha.


About 7 inches away...if the eyes are circle they're not poisonous. If they have eyes like a cat you don't go near them haha.
their eyes are round and "the head is not a real sharp triangle shape", those are not poisonous! you would still be ok if they bite you couple times :lol:

pictures are amazing, all the beautiful scenes!


Honda / Acura Fanatic
hey im 20 minutes from doylestown! I need to check that park out! VERY SICK PICS!
