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Stinkin & Drinkin
MoJoJoJo said:
i cant wait either man...but i havent been working on it...being caught up with my current project that i started in feb. keep putting it off
What is the point of a Carputer?? please explain. are you gonna tune as you drive? view your N2O pressure, intake temps, exhaust temps, Vac, Boost, knock? What are you gonna use it for??


i was playing on getting a indash kit, a kenwood or eclipse..but thought bout it, i rather go wit a carputer, i can watch dvds, listen to mp3s/cd, have a navigation sys, surf the internet all the internet goodies, a good indash, pretty much i can do anything for a lower price than an aftermarket indash sys. this build will run me max 600


Stinkin & Drinkin
MoJoJoJo said:
i was playing on getting a indash kit, a kenwood or eclipse..but thought bout it, i rather go wit a carputer, i can watch dvds, listen to mp3s/cd, have a navigation sys, surf the internet all the internet goodies, a good indash, pretty much i can do anything for a lower price than an aftermarket indash sys. this build will run me max 600

Intenet??? i like it already DVD's....only if they are disney.


slow_99integra said:
Intenet??? i like it already DVD's....only if they are disney.
yep, i can go with wi-fi and pick up ppl's networks or go with verizon and their internet service, just a monthy charge...but i'll prolly go wit the wi-fi since i'm in a big city and the wireless internet i can pretty pick up everywhere

plus dvds, if i go with an aftermarket sys. i cant watch them when the car is not parked, have to by pass them and stuff. i dont have that problem with a carputer.


its gona need 12V and , gonna use a DC/DC power supply run a 8 gauge cable from the battery prolly


no, but i will, i will be running 2 amps a sub and new speakers with this setup, the sound card should work fine

i'm picking up a used 12 type r and digital alpine amp this weekend locally for 250 :thumbs up sweet deal


my screen should be coming soon, now i'm shopping around for a gps kit. leading towards iGuidance, i post pics when i get it in.


WHAT THE FUCK, KEVIN?? lol WHERE is the carputer?! laaaaaaaaaaaaggin'. by the time you're done getting your carputer together, it's probably gonna be time for an upgrade lol :thumbdown


lol i'm a busy person trinh called me at work today...she really misses me, she didnt between i have my own office...


lol well i figured it didn't really matter if i called you at work since you called me first haha