new to ci


New Member
Welcome Sami! I hope you enjoy the site! And yes, Germz is right, be careful of the leg humpers. First they will want pics. Then they will want to "help you". Then they will want to marry you, lol... Comes with the territory, mostly male site and all ;)
Lmfao indeed



New Member
Thanks sexyssbp for the warning. =) im not too worried about guys, theyre just harmless horny boys and it doesnt help that im not unnatractive, but im used to it so its all good. Im for sure enjoying the site, anything having to do with tegs catches my attention way too quick. =)


lmao..."not unattractive" very creatively and nicely put. Sounds like you are fully prepared, you will do well :)


New Member
which one? =) and no nothing too crazy rare. germz and sexy, thanks again. women definitely need to enjoy themselves a little more often, its a very fabulous thing in my opinion. the only people that ever have a problem with it are other women.


Cause they are insecure and jealous. Anywho, this is wayy to serious for a car thread, lol...looking forward to seeing your cars!


User that is Registered
Welcome to the club! If you haven't figured it out yet this place is like a one-stop-shop for all your your questions! Can't wait for the pics!