New Propostion?

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Active Member
Asking for clarification is not starting a fight :) people just don't need to go overboard, both trollers AND people that get offended. A public forum is where an exchange of ideas is supposed to be welcomed, not censored. If you want to know the impact of censorship, read Animal Farm or Fahrenhite 451 or just look at history (Nazi Germany for example)


Charly[horse];963801 said:
I think I have an idea. Now I know I am a newbie but I have been on here long enough to know how the site works pretty much. Recently with the bannings things have just been heated. Well here it goes I think that there needs to be a procudure to go about banning someone and it needs to be posted too so we all know. For example maybe a warning sent in a pm, then a one day banning, then 7 day, then an flat out ban. Then we would know when we are overstepping our boundries and wont be suprised when the punishment comes. It could be done for a number of rules too. Also it keeps the mods straight, they can't do anything drastic if the procedure is written out. Added onto that we, as users, can't blame the mods for anything. Thats just my thoughts, maybe I am totally wrong, let me know and mods, I know you don't have to listen but give it thought; it may make things easier. It worked in history why not use what we learned in history class and apply it here?
That's a great idea and currently OminousG2 is working on a system that will allow the rest of the admins/mods to moderate the forum more efficiently, since that has been a concern to some members. The new system will create more of a checks and balance, thus making bannings and infractions more fair for our members. Once all the details are sorted out, I'm sure posting a notification somewhere, as requested, will not be problem. :thumbs up Just hang in there in the meantime while all the kinks are being sorted out.

Also, in an attempt to lessen some of the tension that the recently bannings have caused as well as any future misunderstandings between members (like above), this thread will now be closed to further comments as all of your suggestions are being taken into consideration and a new system is in the works. If there are anymore concerns or ideas on improvements regarding this, feel free to PM mods/admins.
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