New Member
Hey guys, as the subject line says I'm an new integra owner and I need a lil advice pertaining to where I should start with my new car. Right now appearance is last on my list. I'm more concerned with the fact that my car is 1990 and I want it in perfect running condition. It will be my daily driver but it will also be my baby since I have always wanted this car. So that being said beside the cosmetic stuff and the obv fluid changes and flushes, where should I start? And just so ya know I'm not trying to make this into a 10 car. I do want it to be powerful and fast, just nothing like fast and furious. I want it to have a nice sound (not a my first exhaust kit either) and some balls is all I want. I'm also keeping it NA for now. Maybe go turbo way down the line. it has 130,000 miles on it which I understand isn't so bad. Just have no idea what the hell I'm doing or where to start for that reason. Any advice would be a great help. Thanks!