New Golden Eagle Goodies *pics


Integra God
i need to add at least 2 more layers of dynamat to the rear of the car and at least 1 more in the front. subs are retarted.


New Member
does the soundmatt stuff cancel out any of the exhaust sound? not like you can hear that anyway with that bump. or does that sounds material stuff just keep the rattle of the metal down?



Integra God
it cuts down on it some, it more absorbs vibrations that blocks out sound. no rattling and everything is much crisper. i added 10ft2 of dynamat on the hatch today, still need to do behind the taillights; but im waiting til i change my tail light gaskets. anyway, the extra layer on the hatch helped a good bit with the rattling in the back, but the windows and door panels still are about to fall off. projects for other days...

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Integra God
the whole hatch is covered now, there are a few bare spots in the pic.
